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''Fade in to a ground shot of a Covenant-occupied canyon. Camera pans upward as two Pelicans fly overhead.''
*'''Spartan [[Jared Miller]] (COM)''': “[[Fireteam Lancer]], sitrep?”
*'''Spartan [[Robert Dalton]] (COM)''': “Found a nest of Covies hiding in the caves. Wouldn’t mind a hand clearing ‘em out.”
''Switch to an aerial shot following the Pelicans.''
*'''Commander [[Sarah Palmer]] (COM)''': “Good find, Lancer. Crimson’s happy to help.”
''Switch back to the ground. A pair of [[Unggoy]] look up as the two Pelicans come in for a landing.'' 
''One Pelican drops a [[Warthog]] on top of one of the Unggoys, killing him.  The other Unggoy starts to flee, but the second Pelican also drops a Warthog, crushing him too.''
*'''Lieutenant TJ Murphy''': “Crimson is on the ground.”
*'''Spartan Terry Hedge''': “Covies have hooked active camos to their shield generators. We can’t get in the cave until that shield comes down.”
*'''Palmer''': “Crimson, secure the area. Miller-”
*'''Miller''': “Already looking for a way to find those generators.”
''[[Fireteam Crimson]] and their Marine backup take the Warthogs and move out. They quickly encounter Covenant resistance.'' 
*'''Miller''': “Additional targets inbound.”
*'''Miller''': “Hang on. Commander Palmer, remember that Morse code SOS?  I just saw it again.”
*'''Palmer''': “Unless you’ve got a solution to that mystery I need you focused on bringing down the generators.”
''A Phantom deploys a Wraith.''
*'''Miller''': “I’ve got it! The active camo on the generators is controlled by that guy right there.”
''Marker appears on one of the Elites.''
*'''Palmer''': “Take him out, Crimson!”
''Crimson kills the target Elite.'' 
*'''Miller''': “Target down! Shields are visible!”
*'''Palmer''': “Crimson, kindly exercise extreme force on those shield generators.”
''Crimson destroys all three shield generators.  The shield wall goes down.''
*'''Hedge''':  “Crimson did it.  Shields down.”
*'''Palmer''': “Lancer, Crimson’s got point. Follow them into the caves.”
*'''Hedge''': “Affirmative, Commander.”
''Crimson moves further into the canyon and soon reaches the entrance to the cave. A massive Forerunner door bars their way.''
*'''Miller''': “Looks like the door is shut tight. Lots of movement behind it though.”
*'''Palmer''': “Let’s get their attention, Crimson. Maybe they’ll come out to play.”
''Crimson proceeds to neutralize the Covenant stationed outside the door.  The door begins to open up.''
*'''Miller''': “It worked! Covenant incoming!”
''Covenant forces emerge from behind the door.  Crimson engages and defeats them.''
*'''Miller''': “All clear to head inside the cavern, but keep your guard up.”
''Crimson heads into the cavern where they find a large array of Forerunner structures built into the caves.''
''A series of electronic noises are heard over the COM.''
*'''Miller''': “Commander! Whatever’s been sending that Morse code, it’s inside this cave!”
*'''Palmer''': “Crimson, clear out the Covies, but keep your eyes open.”
''Crimson engages multiple Covenant Ghosts and Shade turrets within the cavern.''
*'''Miller''': “Ghosts!”
*'''Palmer''': “Reinforcements!”
*'''Miller''': “Phantom on approach.”
''Enemy Phantom enters the cavern through an opening and deploys a Wraith.''
*'''Palmer''': “Wraith!”
*'''Miller''': “They’re moving to fortify. Take ‘em out!”
''Another Wraith arrives.''
''Crimson finally defeats all the Covenant reinforcements.''
*'''Miller''': “Commander Palmer. Call from Poker Squad. The Marines have a wounded Elite offering information if they let him live.”
*'''Palmer''': “Depends on how good the info is.”
*'''Miller''': “He’s offering up a Covie listening post.”
*'''Palmer''': “Listening post? That would explain how they’ve seen us coming recently. Fine. Have Poker check it out, then make the deal.”
*'''Miller''': “Aye, Commander.”
''Crimson reaches a particular Forerunner structure.  They eliminate the Covenant guarding it.''
*'''Palmer''': “Let’s go, Crimson!”
*'''Miller''': “Crimson, be careful. You don’t know what’s on the other side of that door.”
''Crimson opens the door.  Covenant and Promethean forces emerge.''
*'''Palmer''': “Covenant and Prometheans inbound! Hold your ground and clear this position before moving on.”
''Once most enemies are down:''
*'''Palmer''': “Clean ‘em up.”
''Crimson finishes off all remaining enemies.  They move into the structure where they find a group of Spartans trapped behind a shield wall.''
*'''Miller''': “Commander! Crimson’s found something! It’s Switchback!”
*'''Palmer''': “Switchback?!”
*'''Spartan Bradford Gale (COM)''': “Commander Palmer, glad to hear your voice again. We’ve been sending SOS for a while now.”
*'''Palmer (COM)''': “Spartan Gale, where’s Spartan Costabile?”
*'''Gale (COM)''': “Covies got her, Commander.”
*'''Palmer (COM)''': “Understood, Spartan. What do you say we return the favor?”
*'''Gale (COM)''': “Sounds like a hell of a plan, Commander.”
*'''Miller''': “Dropships inbound!”
*'''Palmer''': “Clear the ground and we can get you out of there, Crimson!”
''Crimson deactivates the shield wall trapping Switchback.''
*'''Miller''': “The shield wall’s dropped, Commander!”
*'''Palmer''': “Time to go, Spartans! Head for the exit.”
''Switchback grabs some nearby weapons.  Crimson leads them toward the exit.''
*'''Miller''': “There’s your ride home, Spartans.”
*'''Murphy''': “I’ve got your back, Crimson!”
*'''Palmer''': “Excellent work.”
''Crimson and Switchback engage a final group of Covenant blocking the exit.  The two Spartan fireteams make short work of the enemy troops.  At the same time, Murphy’s Pelican engages and destroys a Covenant Phantom.''
''The Spartan exit the caverns and reach the evac zone.  Murphy’s Pelican arrives.''
''Fade to black.''
*'''Miller''': “Pelican outbound with Fireteams Crimson and Switchback onboard, Commander Palmer.”
*'''Palmer''': “Crimson, great work with Lancer. You guys brought Switchback home and that is damn good work, folks.”
''Level ends.''

