Talk:Orbital defense platform

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Im pretty sure that there we 20 ODPs defending Reach edit: Not nesscessarily Earth, as there were ODPs over Reach--UNSC AI 12:02, 30 May 2007 (UTC)

Your correct page 283 in Fall of Reach states that "there were 20 super MAC guns in orbit" I made the proper change


after reach you'd think they would reaseach a way to put generators on the guns,so they're more of a threat and are "easier" to defend,and i'm guessing the Earth is a WHOLE lot bigger then Reach cause if 20 was in orbit around Reach and 300 around Earth Voy101

Real Life Inspiration

Does anyone else think that these platforms seem a bit like what Ronald Reagan imagined for the Stratigic Defense Initiative (SDI or "Star Wars") program? Flag-Waving American Patriot 19:02, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

Why is this written in past tense? Aren't there still MAC cannons in orbit around Earth even after the events of Halo 3? And even if most were destroyed, one would think that rebuilding them would be a top defense priority for the UNSC government.