3 article edits
Basic info



Idk, halo nation i guess


December 4, 2018

Recent activity
Sent a message to CIA391
"Idk if sent you my last message, but I wanted to let you know that I'm s..."
Sent a gift to Dab1001
About me

I'm a gamer who likes to play halo and PUBG and minecraft. My favorite writer (or at least HALO writer cuz idk what else he writes) is Distant Tide (Tide, if ur reading this, I want you to know that I'm for real about that)

Hobbies & interests

None cuz of a certain reason oof ^ ^ ^ Halo, PUBG, Minecraft ^ Doritos Mountain Dew

Favorite Halo moment

When I found out Dab's xbox Gamertag. BWAHAHAHAAHAHAH XD DABOI

Ok, for real: IDk tbh, I guess it's whenever I come in 1st place, or I do an assasination or win some actually good REQs

Worst Halo moment

When I spent my REAl money on a REQ, only to get trash items. Yep, I'd say all the times when you get trash duplicates

Anything else

I look like Grif in halo 5. Grif is the silly dude in RvB. He's just like me: stupid, and likes joking around and being a fool.

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Thank you. I'd rather you didn't add me on Xbox, to be honest. As for joining Forge Labs, you'd have to ask its leader, as I'm just a normal member of that company - I don't have any power there.


Please stop spamming me with messages. I'd hoped the fact that I ignored them all, and rejected all your friend requests would tip you off, but I don't want to speak to you, as you've done nothing but annoy and pester me since I banned you from the Halo Nation Discord. Also, let me make something clear: I am not your cousin, and nor am I your best friend. I'm aware that you've attempted to convince at least one person that I was both, and that you claim I am the latter on your user page.

I've discussed this with a number of my fellow Halopedia staff members, and all agree that you have moved well into harassment territory now. Please cease messaging me, stop pretending to be a relative/close friend of mine, and remove the references to me on your user page. If you don't, I will be forced to ban you from Halopedia.

Good day.