That1Guy272's board-to-board with BaconShelf

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Showing messages 1-3 of 3 messages. Board-to-board
posted 2 years ago

Currently, we don't know how they plan on changing things - they could well be going for something akin to Halo Wars 2 where the seasons were still a thing, but much longer and more spread out with multiple game updates inbetween. We can't really say too much overall.

posted 3 years ago

To grab the other icons, you need to use a program called UModel to unpack the UE4 menu component of the game. Our Modding page has some useful links.

posted 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for uploading all the Season 6 nameplates, it's a big help. Please remember in future to name them in a consistent manner with the files already uploaded. I assume it's been you who was adding all the Season 6 unlock info as an anon account; thanks for that! I've been super busy recently so it's been a big help.