- "Hey, Demon! The jerk store called, and they're all out of you! Poor you, stolen at the age of six and conscripted into the military, waaaaaah! Okay look, if you let me live, I got the Fist of Rukt. Look, I'll be the bottom. I'll polish your boots. I'll polish your helmet! It's the gas, haha! When I'm on the gas, I don't know what I'm doing half the time!"
- — Final Grunt
The final Grunt, also referred to as the jerk store Grunt or Seinfeld Grunt, is a special dialogue Grunt in Halo 3s final level, Halo.
Being the only Covenant individual found on this level, Final Grunt is found cowering on the edge of a cliff right before the player goes down the ramp to leap into UNSC Forward Unto Dawn's hangar. To find this Grunt, turn the vehicle slowly to the right, and you can spot it at the end of the narrow pathway. To hear its dialogue, make sure your Warthog's chaingun out of range, as in single player the Arbiter will kill him, preventing you from hearing the quote. If the final Grunt is killed while saying his dialogue, his dead body will carry on speaking. If he is knocked off the edge, however; the dialogue will stop. Discovering the final Grunt may leave the player unable to complete the end of the level as the platforms would have broken apart, thus rendering no possible route available to reach Forward Unto Dawn.
With the I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull activated, final Grunt's quotes can also be heard in the rest of the game, usually in The Covenant, The Ark and Sierra 117.
- The "jerk store" joke is a reference to a joke on the American sitcom Seinfeld, in which George, one of the four main characters, tries, and fails, to make a witty comeback at a co-worker.
- The "gas" mentioned by the Grunt may be a form of Infusion, a recreational drug the Unggoy mix with their methane supplies.
- On September 15, 2022, it was revealed during The Yappening event in Halo Infinite that the Final Grunt was Flipflop.
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