Category:Files to be replaced
These files are of low quality and need to be replaced with higher-quality versions. Please remove the template tag once a file has been replaced.
Media in category "Files to be replaced"
The following 126 files are in this category, out of 126 total.
- 1210473952 Brutecaptain.jpg 1,024 × 768; 270 KB
- 1210474161 Jackalinfantry.jpg 1,024 × 768; 171 KB
- Bloodline Verge.png 901 × 712; 1.71 MB
- Brilliant Gift.png 144 × 131; 44 KB
- Brutecaptaingoldy.jpg 444 × 333; 24 KB
- Composed essences.jpg 1,920 × 820; 317 KB
- Conflict Mural.jpg 382 × 173; 10 KB
- Corridor Attack.jpg 1,279 × 688; 135 KB
- Covenant Spy probe.jpg 683 × 580; 72 KB
- FalconfromRvB.jpg 825 × 544; 38 KB
- Flamingpureform.jpg 444 × 333; 18 KB
- Floating Crate Base.jpg 444 × 333; 34 KB
- Flood Barracks.jpg 590 × 392; 48 KB
- Flood infection form in HaloWars.jpg 320 × 240; 18 KB
- Flood Marine 01-horz.jpg 1,792 × 894; 964 KB
- Focus rifle.jpg 639 × 360; 154 KB
- ForerunnerAutomatedTurret-scantransparent.png 1,474 × 940; 2.03 MB
- Forge6.jpg 299 × 219; 76 KB
- Glorious Advance.jpg 692 × 573; 99 KB
- Gold helmet.jpg 444 × 333; 23 KB
- Grunt Vision.jpg 800 × 600; 24 KB
- H2 BlueJackal Glitch 1.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 2.48 MB
- H2 BlueJackal Glitch 2.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 2.29 MB
- H2A - Arrival of High Charity.jpg 1,280 × 541; 80 KB
- H2A MLX back side.jpeg 542 × 305; 147 KB
- H2A MLX front side.png 615 × 316; 309 KB
- H2A-Jackal Sniper.jpg 1,366 × 768; 169 KB
- H2A-T27Shade.png 365 × 553; 404 KB
- H2A-T27Shade&JackalSniper.png 130 × 128; 44 KB
- H2ABastionOfTheBrutes.png 1,920 × 1,080; 3.57 MB
- H2ACP-T42.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.7 MB
- H2E3 CovenantDropPod.jpg 479 × 359; 21 KB
- H3 'Sraom on Turret.jpg 444 × 333; 28 KB
- H3 Elephant Flipping high.jpg 658 × 494; 19 KB
- H3 ElephantFlying.jpg 592 × 333; 31 KB
- H3 Guitly Spark Debris.png 1,920 × 1,080; 3.96 MB
- H3 Hayabusa with katana.jpg 185 × 185; 19 KB
- H3 Hunter blood.jpg 307 × 363; 37 KB
- H3 Sandtrap BruteMine.jpg 592 × 333; 25 KB
- H3 TheStorm Spiker FP.jpg 1,280 × 720; 291 KB
- H3 TruthDead.png 2,192 × 1,086; 3.53 MB
- H3 Valhalla Kilroy EasterEgg Screenshot.jpg 640 × 480; 107 KB
- H3-MaulerdualwieldingHUD.png 1,138 × 640; 1.62 MB
- H3-MaulerHUD.png 1,138 × 640; 1.62 MB
- H3Truck.jpg 1,536 × 1,152; 201 KB
- H4-M97LanceMissileBattery-ScanRender.png 1,540 × 1,580; 3.43 MB
- H4-M410FlankGun-ScanRender.png 1,320 × 920; 1.53 MB
- H4-M4093HyperionNuclearMissile.jpg 2,420 × 1,620; 2.09 MB
- H4-M4093NuclearMissile-Launch.jpg 1,230 × 1,200; 1.1 MB
- H4-MantlesApproach-ScanRender.png 980 × 2,760; 3.45 MB
- H4-MantlesApproach-Shields.jpg 1,920 × 812; 246 KB
- H4-MantlesApproachShip-Slipspace.jpg 1,920 × 812; 190 KB
- H4-MantlesApproachShip.jpg 1,920 × 812; 131 KB
- H4-OrdnancePod-ScanRender.png 840 × 2,350; 2.58 MB
- H4-T33NeedlerGML-FirstPerson.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 331 KB
- H5G Fuel rod 3.png 1,036 × 474; 404 KB
- H5G Hunter Arm Turret.png 332 × 187; 53 KB
- H5G Phaeton chasing Spartans.png 1,368 × 546; 983 KB
- H5G-BattleofSunaion2.png 500 × 281; 154 KB
- H5G-EnergySword.png 332 × 187; 55 KB
- H5G-M6E.png 332 × 187; 51 KB
- H5G-M9.png 332 × 187; 27 KB
- H5G-Scorpion.png 1,021 × 571; 613 KB
- H5G-SuperFiesta.jpg 600 × 338; 50 KB
- H5G-Z110.png 332 × 187; 36 KB
- H5G-Z180.png 332 × 187; 40 KB
- H5G-Z520.png 332 × 187; 47 KB
- Halo 2 E3 Demo-Easley.jpg 260 × 260; 9 KB
- Halo 3 Pilot helmet.jpg 600 × 450; 43 KB
- Halo 5 Caster Sof.png 1,205 × 359; 381 KB
- Halo 5 Fuelrod lou.png 892 × 412; 304 KB
- Halo 5.6.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 216 KB
- Halo Reach Brute Pack.png 640 × 319; 350 KB
- Halo- Reach - M45TS First Person View.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 415 KB
- Halo-reach-20100428021521247.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 494 KB
- Halo2AnniversaryUnggoyUltra.jpg 564 × 564; 122 KB
- Halo3GaussHogLastResort.jpg 800 × 450; 59 KB
- HaloReach - SaraFound.png 820 × 520; 401 KB
- Harvester control room.jpg 850 × 478; 225 KB
- HCEA-SRS99AM-SniperRifle.png 353 × 82; 25 KB
- HE Gomez.jpg 646 × 646; 228 KB
- HFR Banshee SpaceBattle.png 1,353 × 399; 818 KB
- Hijacking Spartan.jpg 590 × 392; 44 KB
- HINF grappleshot kig yar raider kill.png 2,814 × 1,306; 3.4 MB
- HINF Grunt BDay party skull spec ops elites.png 2,708 × 646; 1.01 MB
- HINF Hyperius S7 Shot.png 1,602 × 1,330; 1.87 MB
- HINF Sangheili Enforcer heavy weapons battle.png 2,870 × 1,330; 4.74 MB
- HINF sequence hammer vs sword.png 2,430 × 1,408; 5.27 MB
- HINF-Streets2.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 950 KB
- HM Warrior-Servant.png 504 × 686; 352 KB
- HM-Keepers.png 1,330 × 429; 1,013 KB
- HO-6v1.png 599 × 302; 283 KB
- HR Elite armorless.jpg 480 × 360; 61 KB
- HR ResupplyPod.png 358 × 1,000; 214 KB
- HR-T33FRG.jpg 1,280 × 720; 53 KB
- HSA - Lethbridge Industrial.png 1,358 × 683; 953 KB
- HSS Teleport AA.png 1,920 × 1,080; 2.26 MB
- HW Gremlin rear.jpg 200 × 246; 9 KB
- HW-Protector.png 217 × 211; 74 KB
- HW-SoF-SFTE-Slipspace-Scan.jpg 2,880 × 868; 535 KB
- HW2-BlitzCondor.png 1,920 × 1,043; 4.01 MB
- HW2-SOF-Archer.jpg 1,918 × 817; 111 KB
- ImageIZE57D7X.png 1,138 × 640; 1.62 MB
- Infection.jpg 444 × 333; 26 KB
- IvanoffStation.png 305 × 260; 143 KB
- Johnson Greenmachine.png 110 × 139; 29 KB
- Legate.png 372 × 206; 164 KB
- Marines in the Jungle.jpg 524 × 378; 159 KB
- Mediafg.jpg 800 × 450; 60 KB
- Mongoosem290.png 1,920 × 1,080; 3.43 MB
- Oddball.jpg 320 × 218; 18 KB
- Poa wreckage.JPG 474 × 248; 13 KB
- Ppovercharge.png 958 × 538; 920 KB
- PullMedal.png 1,000 × 565; 721 KB
- Radar Jammer.png 374 × 306; 67 KB
- Scarab Walk.jpg 500 × 281; 95 KB
- Shotgun2011.png 400 × 122; 34 KB
- Six Beams Hit.jpg 861 × 1,024; 418 KB
- SpartanJaredMiller.jpg 320 × 200; 59 KB
- Species inline.jpg 123 × 235; 5 KB
- Specimen 1534.PNG 577 × 646; 518 KB
- Stacker Firing BR.jpg 250 × 278; 19 KB
- Succor.JPG 1,123 × 333; 199 KB
- T52 GML.png 833 × 717; 944 KB
- Train Interior.jpg 702 × 361; 76 KB
- UNSCPilot-scantransparent.png 697 × 2,168; 2.16 MB