
Amber C.

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Amber C.
Personal details



Political and military information


United Nations Space Command

Service number:



Amber C.: "MA5K Avenger. I'm sure you've danced with these before, but the fine folks of Misriah made this little number with a few MA40 parts. Sixty-round mags, three-hundred rounds. She'll serve you well in tight quarters should your 'recon' get a little more interesting. You bring her back in one piece. She's expensive."
SPARTAN-G059: "I'll try, Amber."
Amber C.: "I was talkin' to the gun."
— Amber C. and SPARTAN-G059 before a mission.[1]

Amber C. is a service personnel in the United Nations Space Command.[1]


By November 2559, Amber C. was serving aboard the Winter-class prowler UNSC From the Ashes. They prepared equipment for SPARTAN-G059's reconnaissance operation.[1]
