
The Commissioning

Revision as of 14:02, June 5, 2012 by Braidenvl (talk | contribs)
<youtube width="300" height="200">nsWyP0LBikI</youtube>

The Commissioning is a live-action trailer for Halo 4 that was released on June 5, 2012 at E3. It depicts the launch and early mission of the Template:UNSCship, the first almost-purely exploratory ship the UNSC has built in over a generation. The cinematic proper is 1:40 minutes long, though an in-game trailer begins around the 2:00 mark in the video.


(A city on Earth. The UNSC Infinity and a large airborne aircraft carrier-type ship hover above the city. Several ranks of UNSCDF personnel in full ceremonial dress line the flight deck in front of a podium. An unknown officer or dignitary is addressing the crowd.)

  • Dignitary: "It's been four long years since the end of the war. And today we send forth a vessel designed for battle, but now re-purposed. For peace."

(Space, near the Forerunner shield world Requiem. The Infinity and an escort of Paris-class heavy frigates closes on the planet. Infinity's commanding office, Captain Andrew Del Rio,[1] stands at the view port on the bridge, watching the looming planet intently.)

  • Bridge Officer: "Captain!"

(Del Rio walks toward the back of the bridge, to an officer rapidly tapping at the keyboard of a holotank displaying a schematic of the Infinity.)

  • Dignitary (V.O): "Home to seventeen thousand of our best. Our brightest."

(The hologram begins to flicker erratically. Del Rio looks at it, bemused. The stern of the holographic ship begins to flash red, and an exploded view of ship components moves forward. The scene switches back to Earth.)

  • Dignitary: "This is the culmination of human achievement."

(On board the Infinity, a woman is talking with her son over a video call. The screen becomes distorted and then ceases to function completely, displaying only the Didact's symbol as an orange glow begins to sweep through the ship. The glow moves through the entire ship, finally exiting the bridge. Power to all systems is lost. The opening on the planet's surface begins to glow a brilliant white. Captain Del Rio turns to face it.) [Cut to a brief shot of a young soldier's face at the ceremony, then back to the Infinity.]

  • Andrew Del Rio: All engines! Reverse thrust!

(Every ship is pulled inexorably toward Requiem. The effect is felt throughout the ship. Debris and people inside the ship are pulled toward the bow of the ship. A soldier's dog tags are pulled almost horizontally, completely countering gravity. A soldier runs down a corridor, fleeing an explosion. The ship lists dangerously, causing its vehicles to slide into the walls of their hangar.)

  • Dignitary: (voiceover) "For the first time in a generation..."

(Two men fall down a depressurizing shaft, and are then launched the other way by an explosion. As crewmen are tossed about the bridge, the Didact's symbol can be seen on computer monitors in the background. The scene cuts briefly to Earth, before returning to the chaos aboard the Infinity.)

  • Dignitary: "We commission a UNSC starship, meant not to wage war, but to peacefully advance the cause of mankind through the discovery of new worlds."

(The Infinity plunges toward the planet. Its engines and electrical system begin to fail. Many people are shown screaming and covering their ears, as if trying to block out an unbearable noise.)

  • Del Rio (via radio): "Mayday, mayday! This is the captain of the UNSC Infinity. Requesting immediate assistance...

[The rest of the transmission is indistinct.]

  • The Didact's symbol is again displayed. The words "An Ancient Evil Awakens" are then overlayed atop the symbol. The scene cuts to black, then shows the Halo 4 logo.


  1. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 422