UNSC Marine Corps/Quotes

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This is a list of Quotes from personnel of the UNSC Marine Corps.

  • "hey chapstick"
  • "I would have been your daddy but the dog beat me over the fence"
  • "Come on get back up so I can kill you again!!"
  • "look a mark 5(or 6 in halo2)"
  • "do you think aliens have insurance?"
  • "hehe tickles don't it"
  • "damn aliens"
  • "covering fire"
  • "bet the covenant did'nt expect to fight the biggest marine bad ass's in the corps"
  • "whoohoo yaa!!"
  • "watch where you throw those things!"
  • "aww it burns!"
  • "Dear sarge kickin ass in outer space wish you were here"
  • "can't we all just get along?"
  • "Frag out"
  • "Mira, mira!"
  • "I think that one was bob!"
  • "ahh get this thing off me!"
  • "ahh medic!"
  • "this thing is really staring to PISS ME OFF!!"
  • "Marines! Hold it now!"
  • "Don't ask don't tell"
  • "hey would you mind pointing that the other way"
  • "Sorry the grips...sweaty"
  • "Hey you were the one who destroyed there ring!"
  • "Bastard!!"
  • "You yella belly bastard"
  • "Die split lip"
  • "Hey, that was HIM, not me"
  • "You know, I really should start counting"
  • "Imma take that as a threat"
  • "I've been waiting a long time for this" (If you kill enough marines)
  • "AHHH"
  • "When I shoot, I try to hit things"
  • "Okay... let me know if you want it back" (If you give them a good weapon)
  • "What?, is something wrong with it?" (If you give them certain weapons)
  • "You killed him Chief, you killed him!" (If you kill him)
  • "Hey, Chief, it's me!"
  • "How did you clowns even find Earth anyways?" (or something like that)
  • "Ahh... Time for a break... let's go to a Starbucks... Hey look there's one over there!... theres another one across the street over there... hey look theres one over there!" (or something like that)
  • "You DO know how to drive this thing..." (when you crash a vehicle they are riding)
  • "Hey, hey, let's catch one and ride it"
  • "Not as easy as you thought, eh amigo?"
  • "WHY!?! Why couldn't it have been me?" (If you die)
  • "Hey Alien!, why don't you turn down the suck!"
  • "Let me know when I should start TRYING"
  • "Enemy down!"
  • "Ghost neutralized"
  • "This isn't the time Chief" (Sgt. Johnson says it if you attack him, even when you are the Arbiter)
  • "Just when you started to get on my good side..."
  • "no one said anything about freeze tag" (says this when you push them]
  • "this ones for you billy!"
  • "I was so busy kickin ass I forgot to take names"
  • "Messed them up good"
  • "Thank you, thank you very much"
  • "Alright!"
  • "yikes"
  • "hostile, big one"
  • "hostile down!"
  • "Aye!"
  • "Was up esse"
  • "yes sir"
  • "you big footed, ugly sucker!"
  • "Someone get Cortana outta his head!" (when Chief dies Halo 1)
  • "Hey look I'm just a little coward! No really, I am. Hehe...." (when sees a Grunt running and screaming)
  • "Once I ran out of grenades so I threw my lunch. It really happened!"
  • "Don't worry I won't bite." (Halo 2 Female Marines)
  • "Don't worry, I'll be a good girl." (Halo 2 Female Marines)
  • "Ah you mother f...." (If a grenade detonates really close to them but they suvive)
  • "That's it you'ra all gonna die!" (If down to last bit of health)
  • "Open fire, lets spend some of that tax payer money!"
  • "Pour it on Marines, you aren't paying for the rounds!"