
The N-Variant reticule might have looked similar to the SRS99DC's optics.

The Oracle N-variant scope is a sniper scope that came with the SRS99C-S2 AMB Sniper Rifle which Linda got from one of the crates that Blue Team had obtained from Base Segundo Terra near Mexico City during the Battle of Earth in 2552.[1]

The Oracle scope has thermal vision, a neutron detector, and increased range. This allows for pinpoint accuracy at distances up to at least 4-5 football fields. It is like other scopes. For some reason, when you aim with it......It looks like your aiming with the KFA-2 x2 scope instead of a regular scope because with a regular scope, You can see your surroundings but with this scope you cant see your surroundings making it less realistic when you aim with it.

Other Scopes in Halo
