Halopedia talk:Discord server

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Operator Requests

Jaws Redfield for Op

I'm applying for Low Level op. I've been on #Halopedia for A little over a year, not including a few months break. I follow the rules well enough, and I have some experience as Op in other channels. I also have a sense of humour and know where a Joke stops being a Joke. I've also been an op on Halopedia before, but had it removed due to my absence of the few months period, but during my time as op I was fair but knew when to stop something before it went horrible wrong and turned into a massive flame war. These are the reasons why I feel I am qualified to be an Op. I go by the name Syd_Barrett on the irc, and usually on between 8am GMT- 1am GMT. Love is Noise Love is PainLove is these blues 16:23, April 9, 2010 (UTC)

Oppose.svg Oppose I don't think he has it in him, to be an op. File:600px-Dharma Wheel.svg.pngChakravartin My Wheel Shall Turn 15:24, May 8, 2010 (UTC)
I too am somewhat concerned about her recent activity levels, I'm holding off voting for now. Sorry Syd. - File:Major.png Nìcmávr (Tálk) 08:02, April 25, 2010 (UTC)
  • Support.svg Support - /me nods - S.B.44 [Talk] 17:32, April 10, 2010 (UTC)
  • Halopedia Vote Symbol Neutral.svg Neutral - needs to become more active. ~tia (VGC)
  • Oppose.svg Oppose - As per tia. Most likely will be inactive after two-three weeks of obtaining op, I bet.. Sketchist 00:52, April 21, 2010 (UTC)

Chakravartin for op!

I've matured massively since my last stint as an op; realised that I shouldn't get worked up over trivial things, etc etc. All in all, I've a good rapport with the IRC Community, and I think I'd be a good op! Cheers! File:600px-Dharma Wheel.svg.pngChakravartin My Wheel Shall Turn 14:56, 18 January 2011 (EST)

  • Halopedia Vote Symbol Neutral.svg Neutral -- To be honest, I don't really know what to say, if anything. I don't have anything against you regaining op access at this time (you've summed it up quite well in that sentence), but the levels of spamming/trolling in the channel have been virtually zero since last spring. Given that the channel size hasn't changed much either, the need for additional ops at the moment is pretty much null. That said, out of all requests this one is definitely worth considering should the need arise in the near future. For now I'm going to sit back and see what others think. - File:Major.png Nìcmávr (Tálk) 15:14, 18 January 2011 (EST)

SPARTAN-118's request for Operator flags

Quite simply, there is a need on #Halopedia for active IRC operators - we often lack administrators throughout the day, leaving the channel open for...unwanted occurances. I have an outstanding track record for activity on #Halopedia, and a capable operator (as proved in the ODSTSS idiocy on #Halo-fanon). I am competent with IRC commands, and a well respected user within the Halo wikia community. SPARTAN-118 13:48, 27 March 2011 (EDT)


Does anyone else think that op requests have gotten a liiiittle bit out of hand? Although the requests have slowed, I still think that people should really consider the responsibilities of being an operator. Sounds silly, yes, but there are responsibilities on a chat. First, someone who has rights to operate should be somewhat mature, but still act human. It would be hard to take someone seriously if they were trolling or spamming all the time. OR just acting out of hand, period. Second, an op should know that they have to be active. What's the point of having operator rights if you rarely come on and use them once or twice? Well these two points/obligations would be what I think an op should have. Maybe the guidelines have been ignored just a smidge? ~tia (VGC)

Syd will most likely do be inactive after two-three weeks after getting op. He did it last time and that just shows irresponsibility.Sketchist 00:54, April 21, 2010 (UTC)