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Surveillance grid

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"Cars won't drive you, hospitals won't treat you, the automatic door at the grocery store won't slide open for you, and the cashier won't take your money. You don't know what it's like to be off the grid."
Sophia Bossedon

The Surveillance Grid[1] is used by the CAA to keep track of civilians electronically. Bank accounts and personal identity are kept track of using the grid, removing the need for individual keys. While technically anyone can go offline, they would be at a severe disadvantage because of security measures.

Off the Grid

All of Earth's illegal immigrants are off the grid, and are essentially second-class citizens. They must either depend on charity or perform illegal work. Because they cannot keep electronic accounts, they use other forms of currency such as poker chips. Certain businesses are aimed specifically at them, such as the packbus.


  1. ^ Name is conjecture.