

Revision as of 02:51, October 3, 2016 by Tacitus (talk | contribs) (Is the drink in Promises to Keep identified as kasna at any point? It's probably a reference, but I'm a bit iffy on assuming they're the same with no confirmation. Especially since one would think the San'Shyuum had more than one alcoholic beverage.)

"The San'Shyuum have always excelled in the arts of intoxication."
— The Confirmer referring to kasna[1]

Kasna was a rare alcoholic beverage produced by the San'Shyuum during the reign of the Forerunners. It was described as a greenish liquid with a pungent, sweet and sour odor.[2] It is also noted for leaving green stains on whatever is used to serve it. It was described by Forerunners that imbibed it as burning the belly and softening the edges.[3] The Confirmer was gifted several bottles of kasna from the San'Shyuum quarantined on their homeworld, Janjur Qom, from their finest reserves.[1] Splendid-Dust-of-Ancient-Suns also drank it while on Installation 00 during the reintroduction in order to bring himself to speak to the other Forerunners present about secret knowledge he held.[3]

List of appearances


  1. ^ a b Halo: Cryptum, page 182
  2. ^ Halo: Cryptum, page 181
  3. ^ a b Halo: Fractures, "Promises to Keep"