User:Neo Te Aika/Audio Production Notes/Music tracks named after their synth patches

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Halo 2
Soundtrack name Tag name Program Synthesizer
Chill Exposure backrhodes PR-G:006 - Backrhodes [Note 1] Roland XV-5080
Jeweled Hull borealis PR-G:046 - Borealis Roland XV-5080
Ancient Machine cultivate* PR-G:036 - Cultivate Roland XV-5080
Orbit of Glass glassorbit PR-E:114 - Glass Orbit Roland XV-5080
Opening Volley ionizer PR-G:025 - Ionizer Roland XV-5080
Synth sounds that appear in-game, but are not discrete soundtrack songs.
Halo CE Halo 2 Program Synthesizer
misc\open_fx ambient\flashback PR-G:127 - Flashback Roland XV-5080
-- ambient\heliumqueen PR-D:124 - Helium Queen Roland XV-5080
misc\open2b ambient\tryingwinds* PR-G:119 - Trying Winds Roland XV-5080

  1. ^ In Roland Cloud VSTs (such as the XV-5080 VST) all references to "Rhodes" have been replaced with "EP". Roland owned the rights to use the Rhodes name at the time these sounds were created.