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==UNSC Buildings==
==UNSC Buildings==
{{/UNSC Buildings}}
:Forward operating base.
:Lightweight firebase modules can be delivered directly to the battlefield by
:Condor dropships. The modules then unpack and can assemble basic structures
:and UNSC weapons systems, protected by up to four turret emplacements.
:Upgrading the firebase to a combat station allows basic infantry to be
:deployed. While the command center and headquarters expansions make
:additional units available. Each upgrade also opens additional build locations for
:support structures.
:The Spirit of Fire's expeditionary firebases trade a portion of the original Heron-
:transported "pod" system's operational flexibility for substantial mass and
:resource savings. Unlike the older pod firebases, additional pre-manufactured
:base structures must be transported to the firebase rather than assembled on-
:site, but this method saves irreplaceable strategic resources aboard the Spirit of
:Fire. The older pod bases remain in reserve, with the Heron dropships used
:exclusively for mass deployment of cargo and troops in secured rear areas.
:Expansion outposts.
:Minibase outposts have an armory for equipping basic infantry, and slots for
:one, two, or three additional support buildings.
:Minibases are deployed from Condors to opportunistic locations in the
:operations zone. Each minibase is built using stripped-down modules assembled
:and packed aboard the Spirit of Fire before being loaded on the dropship for
:deployment. Minibases that survive a battle become unmanned sensor and
:communication relays in the ever-growing system of control nodes being
:extended across the Ark by Isabel and Captain Cutter.
===Supply Pad===
:Supply landing zones.
:Supply Pads allow the firebase to receive a constant flow of Supplies from the
:Spirit of Fire. These are vital logistical ports for UNSC combat operations. and
:the force commander should carefully weigh the cost of delaying their
:construction. To sustain high-tempo missions the Heavy Supply Pad upgrade is
:needed, which accelerates Supply generation. Though important to the war
:effort, too many Supply Pads can impede efficiency if they take the place of
:unit-creating structures—you can't win a fight with just raw materials!
:While some useful assets can be salvaged and tapped on the Ark's surface, the
:bulk of the UNSC's supplies must still be delivered from the Spirit of Fire.
:Sustaining combat operations on the Ark would be practically impossible
:without the use of supply pads to quickly unload cargo from dropships and the
:on-site direction of logisticians to efficiently redistribute the incoming food,
:ammunition, spare parts, and power cells.
:Power generators.
:Each firebase has an integral power plant to meet immediate needs, but
:additional Generators are needed for the accumulation of Power used for unit
:assembly and purchase of upgrades. A Generator should be among the first
:support structures added to a new firebase. The Advanced Generator upgrade
:significantly improves Power output.
:The older "pod" bases deployed by the Spirit of Fire used hydrogen-burning
:reactors for power, which required expensive and bulky fuel storage and safety
:systems. However, new firebase structures require far less power to function
:compared to the legacy designs, allowing Isabel to adapt modern UNSC vertical
:axis turbines as a more sustainable replacement.
:Infantry staging area.
:Infantry shipped down from the Spirit of Fire muster in the firebase's Barracks.
:The Barracks allows the requisition of Hellbringers, Cyclops, and Snipers and
:unlocks their upgrade options. Multiple Barracks in a firebase reduces infantry
:requisition time.
:Army and Marine Corps troopers are detached ("chopped") from their parent unit
:aboard the Spirit of Fire and deployed to reinforce key firebases on the Ark's
:surface. replacing injured personnel who are then medevac‘d out of the combat
:zone. While they await assignment to a fireteam, the "new blood" acclimate and
:review tactical situation reports in the barracks, which doubles as a recreation
:area and mess hall during lulls in battle.
:Defense emplacements.
:Automated weapon towers are installed around UNSC firebases to deter
:attack. Most firebase facilities have power and control hookups prearranged for
:up to four Turrets. Turrets can engage a variety of targets, but each can be
:upgraded to specialize against one particular threat: aircraft. vehicle, or infantry.
:The base towers used by the Spirit of Fire are relics of a defensive-in-depth
:tactical doctrine the UNSC was eventually forced to abandon as the Covenant
:War ground down Humanity's armies and industrial centers. Turrets are still
:invaluable tools for the field commander's arsenal on the Ark, however, freeing
:up troops and vehicles needed to find. fix, and destroy the Banished.
:Requisition and tech upgrade structure.
:Armory structures contain advanced manufacturing modules and electronic
:support measures that unlock structure, training time, and population capacity
:upgrades. Construction of an Armory allows the requisition of UNSC Spartans
:and Operatives to the battlefield. as well as deployment of the Condor gunship.
:These are key facilities for a UNSC field commander, though their full potential is
:only unlocked once sufficient resources are available.
:The Armory contains specialized machinery and robotic assemblers needed to
:support the logistical upgrades Isabel has added to the Spirit of Fire, as well as
:additional communication and sensor systems to expand the force
:commander's option when assembling battle groups.
:Vehicle factory.
:The Garage and its kit assembly line allows the requisition of Warthog, Scorpion,
:Wolverine, and Kodiak armored vehicles from the Spirit of Fire and unlocks their
:upgrade options. This should be one of the first infrastructure upgrades made
:to a new firebase, as the Garage constructs vehicles that will remain useful
:throughout the mission. Multiple Garages in a firebase reduces armored vehicle 
:requisition time.
:Pelicans and Darters are not rated for transatmospheric transport of most
:UNSC combat vehicles, due to the potential for damage and loss of control
:during reentry. While travel to and from the surface of the Ark is dramatically
:simplified due to its artificial gravity, the Spirit of Fire is not currently configured
:to make effective use of this deployment method. Instead, UNSC doctrine
:states that when use of heavy lifters and surface staging areas is not available,
:combat vehicles can be partially disassembled, "crated" for transport, and then
:reassembled near the combat zone.
:Airpads are firebase support structures that allows the requisition of Hornet,
:Nightingale. and Vulture flyers from the Spirit of Fire and unlocks their upgrade
:options. Multiple Airpads in a firebase reduces flying vehicle requisition time.
:Expeditionary airpads house the maintenance crews and equipment needed to
:assemble, repair, refuel, and rearm UNSC aircraft. Airpads also support the force
:commander with sensor feeds and intelligence uplinks which allow for proper
:battlespace deconfliction, kill chain assignment, and other aerospace
:management tasks.
:Sensor tower.
:The Watchtower is an elevated sensor platform that increase the firebase's line
:of sight and can detect nearby cloaked units. Additional Watchtowers extends
:the cloak detection range. Each Watchtower occupies a turret slot.
:The multi-modal stealth and jamming systems employed by the Covenant and
:Banished are a significant strategic challenge for the UNSC. Though
:improvements have been made, there is still a significant capability gap in
:detection range versus cloaking capabilities. Nevertheless, with microdrone
:clouds and hyper scanner technology acquired from former Covenant sources,
:UNSC firebases can deploy a short-range sensor network that will reliably reveal
:enemies otherwise shrouded by cloaking generators and active camouflage.
:Once detected, their location can be shared to all friendly units for targeting.
===Siege Turret===
:Artillery turret.
:Siege Turrets are long-range artillery systems built to counter enemy
:bombardment platforms that would otherwise be out of range of standard Turrets.
:These structures occupy a turret slot.
:The UNSC learned the dangers of relying on fixed installations against enemies
:with orbital fire support early in the war against the Covenant. The modular
:firebase system was developed in response to pinpoint Covenant targeting of large
:military command and control installations with orbital strikes. and the
:inability of standard counter battery systems to detect, deflect, or defeat
:plasma-based artillery bombardment. The siege turrets can do little against threats
:in the orbital high ground, but they will deter enemy artillery systems by
:matching or exceeding their range, making ad-hoc assaults on UNSC firebases a costly proposition.
:Multi-purpose staging area for Strongholds.
:Based on rapid-deploy fortifications in the War Games training simulations set
:up by Isabel, these bases are vitally important objectives that define the win
:conditions of the Strongholds training mode. Each Stronghold has infantry, air,
:and vehicle support structures already attached. Each captured Stronghold
:increased population capacity.
:The concept of Strongholds began in War Games, but Isabel continues to run
:optimization routines on the design templates she uploaded to the Spirit of
:Fire's databanks. Isabel has gleaned many novel upgrades from the logs kept by
:the ship's previous AI, Serina, of the many prior engagements of the Spirit of
===Bunker Drop===
:Home away from home.
:The Bunker Drop is an air-droppable garrison building used by the UNSC. It is
:permanent, but does cost population capacity. It has enough fire points for
:squads, and has a built—in table for card games while the troops wait for
:enemies to wander by. The Reinforced Bunker upgrade increases its infantry
:capacity and adds a shield.
===Ice Barrier===
:Cryotech area denial system.
:Serina learned much about warfare from monitoring the activities of Sergeant
:Forge and Captain Cutter, including the value of controlling the flow of battle by
:manipulating the terrain. Among her tools to accomplish this is the Ice Barrier
:leader power, which creates a frozen block at a target location. The block of ice
:can be used to block chokepoints and disrupt enemy formations, and will chill
:nearby enemies. The barrier can be shattered by enemy attacks.
:Ice Barriers are weaponized versions of an Ander's early, failed, experiment with
:creating compact, zero—point energy condensers. Activation overloads the
:delicate barrier generators, but not before the area around them are drained of
:thermal energy.

==Banished Units==
==Banished Units==